Chronological Biblical History


3761 B.C.
” According to Jewish tradition, the date Adam & Eve were created in the Garden of Eden.
The Jewish New Year is based on this date.
(October, 1997 for instance, will be the year 5758 in the Jewish calendar).

Between 3740 B.C. & 2500 B.C.
” Cain, Able and Seth are born to Adam and Eve.
” Cain kills Able, and is exiled to forever wander the eastern ‘land of Nod’.
” The Patriarchs before the flood, including Enoch and Methuselah, all live to great ages.
” The flood destroys Eden and all the ancient ones.
” Noah and the ark.
” Noah’s 3 sons, Japheth, Ham and Shem repopulate the earth after the flood.
” Destruction of the tower of Babel causes the dispersion of Babylon’s population — sending it to the ends of the earth.
” The descendants of Japheth, populating Greece, Parthia, Russia and northern Europe.
” The descendants of Ham populating Africa and Egypt.
” And the descendants of Shem forming the Semetic people of the Middle East, including the Arabs and the House of Israel.

About 1850 B.C.
” Abraham and his family arrive in Canaan.

Between 1849 B.C. and 1750 B.C.
” Hagar, Abraham’s slave mistress gives birth to Ishmael.
” Hagar and Ishmael banished from Abraham’s camp and return to Euphrates river area.
” Ishmael’s blood descendants form the Arabs, but all muslim’s, including the Persians, trace ancestry to Abraham through Ishmael as well.
” In her 90’s, Sarah gives birth to Issac.
” Issac’s wife gives birth to Esau and Jacob.
” Esau sells his birthright to Jacob for a bowl of lentils.
” Jacob wrestles with an angel so God changes his name to ‘Israel’ (A rebel allowed to survive).
” Jacob (Israel) has 12 sons: Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph and Benjamine.

From about 1720 B.C. to 1250 B.C.
” Joseph, Jacob’s youngest son, sold into slavery (to Egypt) by his brothers.
” Joseph has two sons, Manasseh and Ephraim.
” Joseph saves his father and his 10 brothers from famine — making a home for them in Egypt.
” Joseph elevated to Patriarch, removing him from the other tribes of Israel.
” Jacob elevates Ephraim and Manasseh to same status as his sons, creating the 12 tribes of Israel (13 tribes, actually, but Levi was elevated to status of priesthood, leaving 12 to divide up the land).
” Hebrew captivity in Egypt (Lasts about 500 years).

1250 B.C.
” Moses leads the exodus.

Beginning about 1210 B.C.
” The 12 tribes of Israel reach the Promised Land.
” Joshua invades Palestine.
” The time of the Judges (This period lasts 200 years).
” The temple at Shiloh (The first Hebrew temple in the Promised Land).

1040 B.C.
” The birth of Samuel the prophet.

1000 B.C.
” David becomes king of Judah.
” David defeats Saul & reigns as king over all Israel.

950 B.C.
” Solomon, David’s son made king of Israel.
” The Temple of Solomon built in Jerusalem.

931 B.C.
” Solomon dies.
” The fight for his throne begins, creating the Great Schism.
As a result, the 12 Tribes of Israel split into 2 houses.
” The House of Israel (the 10 northern tribes).
” The House of Judah (the 2 southern tribes-Benjamine & Judah).

721 B.C.
” The House of Israel (the 10 northern tribes) are taken into captivity by Assyrian invaders.
” They disappear into the lands across the North, vanishing from world view.

598 B.C.
” The tribes of Judah and Benjamin taken to Babylon.
” The prophets Jeremiah & Ezekiel.
” Jeremiah takes the Ark of the Covenant to the Dead Sea & buries it in a cave.

587 B.C.
” On the 10th of Loos, Solomon’s temple burned down by Nebuchaddnezzar of Babylon.
(Note that Herod’s temple will be burned down on the very same day, 657 years in the future).
” More deportations to Babylon

530 B.C.
” Daniel the Prophet in the court of the king of Babylon.

539 B.C.
” The handwriting on the wall.
” Cyrus the Persian conquers Babylon.

538 B.C.
” The Edict of Cyrus freeing the Jews from Babylonian captivity.

537 B.C.
” The second Jerusalem temple started.
” The walls rebuilt.

400 B.C.
” Ezra and Nehemiah.

331 B.C.
” Alexander the Great conquers Syria and Arbela; ends the Persian empire.

323 B.C.
” Alexander the great dies in Babylon.

319 B.C.
” Judea ruled by Egypt (the Lagides).

270 B.C.
” The Greek Bible (Septuagint) translated at Alexandria Egypt by 70 Hebrew scholars.
This translation was authorized by the Sanhedrin in Jerusalem in order to give Jewish exiles a scripture in the language of their exile.

250 B.C.
” Active Hellenization of Palestine.

197 B.C.
” Antiochus the Great conquers Jerusalem.
” Judea ruled by Syria (The Seleucids).

175 B.C.
” Antiochus IV Epiphanes (a precursor of the beast) comes to power.

172 B.C.
” Onias, High Priest of Jerusalem Temple assassinated.

167 B.C.
” The Great Persecution of the Jews begins.
” Massacres at Jerusalem.
” The Syrians build the Citadel to guard the temple.
” Decree issued abolishing Jewish practices and establishing cult of Zeus in Temple.
” In December, the first pagan sacrifices abominate Jewish altar.

166 B.C.
” The priest Mattathias takes refuge in Modin with his five sons (The Maccabees).
” Mattathias gives the signal for the attack. The Hassidaeans join him.
” Judas Maccabaeus leads the revolt after Mattathias dies.

164 B.C.
” In December, the temple is purified, giving birth to the Jewish feast of Lights (Hannukah)
” The Jewish persecution ends.
” Death of Antiochus IV Epiphanes.

145 B.C.
” The Pharisees, Sadducees and Essenes appear.

63 B.C.
” Pompey of Rome conquers Jerusalem.

37 B.C.
” Herod, an Idumean Arab, appointed king of Judea by the Roman Senate.

31 B.C.
” Augustus becomes emperor of Rome.

20 B.C.
” Herod begins construction of great Jewish Temple on Mt. Moriah in Jerusalem.

6-4? B.C.
” Birth of Jesus in Bethlehem.

4 B.C.
” Herod the Great dies.

6 A.D.
” Caesarea, a town on Mediterranean coast, made capital of Judea by the Romans.

14 A.D.
” Augustus dies; Tiberius becomes emperor of Rome.

27? A.D.
” John the Baptist starts his ministry.
” Jesus begins his ministry.

30? A.D.
” Jesus crucified.
(The crucifixion of Jesus occurred in either 30 A.D. or 33 A.D.).

36 A.D.
” Martyrdom of Steven in Jerusalem.

37 A.D.
” Tiberius dies; Caligula becomes emperor of Rome

39 A.D.
” Paul in Damascus.

41 A.D.
” Caligula assassinated; Claudius becomes emperor of Rome

43 A.D.
” Paul and Barnabus in Antioch.
” Agrippa beheads James; imprisons Peter.

48 A.D.
” Christian Council of Jerusalem.
” Pagan converts exempt from Jewish Law practices, setting them free from the Torah.

50 A.D.
” First Gospel written down?
” Paul’s letter to the Thessalonians.

54 A. D.
” Nero becomes emperor of Rome.

57 A.D.
” Paul’s First Letter to the Corinthians.
” Paul’s Letter to the Galatians.
” Paul’s second Letter to the Corinthians.
” Paul’s letter to the Philipians?

58 A.D.
” Paul’s letter to the Romans.
” James made head of the Jerusalem church.

60 A.D.
” Paul’s voyage as a prisoner to Rome.

61 A.D.
” Paul imprisoned in Rome until 63 A.D.
” Paul’s Letters to Colossians, Ephesians, Philemon, possibly Philipians.

62 A.D.
” James (head of Jerusalem church) stoned to death.
” Succeeded by Simeon, said by some to be the son of the Virgin Mary’s brother.

63 A.D

” Paul set free. Some traditions say he made a trip to Spain.

64 A.D.
” First letter of Peter.
” The Gospel of Mark?

65 A.D.
” Paul’s first letter to Timothy and Possibly to Titus.
” The Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles?
Scholars say that this Gospel and the Acts of the Apostles were produced as Paul’s defense against a renewed attack on Christianity by Nero.

66 A.D.
” Jews defeat a Roman battalion and set up a rebel government in Jerusalem.
” Major exodus of people of importance from Judea.
” A great fire, said to have been lit by Nero destroys most of Rome;
” Nero blames large Christian community in Rome for the fire: launches purge of Roman Christians.

67 A.D.
” Peter crucified in Rome. (64 or 67 A.D.)
” Vespasian with 60,000 man Roman 10th Legion attacks Galilee.
” Paul re-imprisoned in Rome.
” Paul’s letter to the Hebrews.
” Second letter to Timothy.
” Paul beheaded in Rome.

68 A.D.
” Nero commits suicide.

69 A.D.
” Vespasian returns to Rome to become emperor in Nero’s place.
” Before leaving his post on the Mt. of Olives, Vespasian Turns the battle of Jerusalem over to his son Titus.

70 A.D.
” Titus lays siege to Jerusalem and destroys it.
” On August 29 (the 10th of Loos – and the 567th anniversary of the destruction of Solomon’s temple), the temple of Herod is burned and razed to the ground by Roman forces.
” Many Jews taken into slavery.

73 A.D.
” The siege of Masada.
” The Jewish war ends.
” Jewish Rabbi’s establish Academy of Jamnia, soon begin work on standardizing Hebrew Bible.
” Also begin work on Talmud, codifying Jewish oral law into writing.
” Greek scriptures officially renounced.

95 A.D.
” John exiled to Patmos.
” Final draft of Book of Revelation.

100 A.D.
” John dies at Ephesus.

107 A.D.
” Simeon martyred in Jerusalem.

132 A.D.
” Second Jewish revolt led by Jewish zealot, Simeon Ben Koseba,
” Ben Koseba is proclaimed the Jewish ‘Messiah’ by Rabbi Akiba who renames him ‘Bar Kokeba’ (Son of the Star).

135 A.D.
” Second revolt put down by Roman army.
” Ben Koseba killed.
” Jews forbidden to enter the city of Jerusalem on pain of death.
” The Temple mount in Jerusalem made into a sanctuary for Zeus and Hadrian. (emperor worship).
” Temple of Zeus erected near cave at Bethlehem — the birthplace of Jesus.

311 A.D.
” Galerius, emperor of the eastern part of the Roman Empire decrees religious freedom for Christianity.

313 A.D.
” Constantine issues Edict of Milan granting toleration to Christianity in western Roman empire.
” Constantine becomes Christian, is the first Christian emperor.
” Constantine’s mother erects Christian churches (including the Church of the Holy Sepulchre) on sacred sites in Jerusalem.

325 A.D.
” Council of Nicea decrees the doctrine of the Trinity to counter the heresy of Arius which argues that Jesus, though divine, is not God’s equal.

391 A.D.
” Theodosus orders all Roman pagan temples closed.
” He issues a proclamation declaring Christianity the official religion of the Roman empire.
” The eastern emperor, Galerius, issues an identical proclamation from Constantinople.
” World paganism is outlawed.
” Theodosus’ decree terminates the Olympic Games and the temples associated with them at Mt. Olympus.
From this moment on, the only god permitted to be worshipped anywhere in the entire Roman empire is the God of the Christians.

410 A.D.
” German invaders conquer Rome. They adopt Christianity.

476 A.D.
” Western Roman empire ceases to exist.
” Barbarian rule of Rome by German kings begins.
” Converting to Christianity, these kings extend the domain of the Church into northern Europe,
dissolving the Teutonic and Celtic religions that formerly ruled there.

615 A.D.
” Persian Sassanid Empire conquers much of the Eastern Roman Empire.
” Their armies reach the Bosphorus (separating Turkey from Europe), before being driven back and defeated.

632 A.D.
” Mohammed dies. muslim religion born.

650 A.D.
” muslim Arabs sweep to victory in a great march west to destroy the ‘infidels’ of Christianity.
” Arabs conquer Mesopotamia, Persia, Palestine, Egypt and the islands of the Mediterranean.
” Arabs push west, conquer North Africa.
” Arabs unable to conquer Asia Minor (Turkey).

711 A.D.
” Arabs conquer Spain, push into France.
” Arabs defeated by Christian’s in France at battle of Tours (732).

800 A.D.
” Germany’s king Charles the Great (Charlemagne) founds the Holy Roman Empire.

859 A.D.
” Muslim Arabs conquer Sicily and invade Italy, advancing toward Rome before being pushed back.

1054 A.D.
” Greek Orthodox and Roman Catholics split into two separate churches.
” East and West divided in Christ.

1071 A.D.
” Seljuk Turks invade and conquer Asia Minor, renaming it Turkey.
” They convert Asia Minor to Mohammedism, reducing territory of Greek Christian church by half.
” This Islamic ‘Ottoman empire’ invades Europe but is driven back into Turkey after reaching as far north as Vienna, Austria.

1096 A.D.
” First Crusades begin.
” Christian wars against Islamic control of Jerusalem.

1099 A.D.
” Crusaders capture Jerusalem, give Christians control of the holy city.

1187 A.D.
” Saladin recaptures Jerusalem, returning city to Islamic rule.

1291 A.D.
” Christian Crusaders lose battle of Acre; leave entire Middle East to Muslim rule.

1492 A.D.
” Columbus discovers American continent.

1517 A.D.
” Luther, a Catholic priest in Germany, breaks from Roman Catholic church; posts ‘thesis’ on church door.
” Luther decrees salvation by faith alone. Says theological rules cannot save.
” He nullifies church sacraments.
Luther puts Bible above both church and Pope as highest authority on earth.
” Decrees right of individual interpretation of scripture.
” He rejects the Greek Old Testament and declares its books invalid.

1529 A.D.
” Lutheran Protest drawn up. Protestant churches born.

1545 A.D.
” Catholic Council of Trent (1545-1563) tries to reform Roman church and quell the protest, but to no avail.
” This Vatican Council decrees faith necessary, but retains church sacraments as essential components of the Christian religion.

1563 A.D.
” Fierce religious wars between all the burgeoning new faiths spreads throughout Europe (1563-1648).
” Colonization of America speeded by those seeking freedom from European religious turmoil.
” Democracy (an ancient Greek form of rule by the people) rediscovered.

1775 A.D.
” Constitutional Congress in America led by Thomas Jefferson restates a secular ‘rule of Democracy’ that is closely allied with Christian human rights ethics.

1776 A.D.
” United States of America founded.

1830 A.D.
” Mormon church founded by Joseph Smith in Fayette N.Y.

1896 A.D.
” Olympic Games reappear in the world.
They had been absent since the Roman emperor Theodosus (in the name of Christianity) cancelled them and closed their associated pagan temples in 396 A.D.(1500 years earlier)

1901 A.D.
” Pentecostal Movement begins; profoundly changes the face of Protestant Christianity by producing figures like Aimee Semple MacPherson, Billy Sunday and Billy Graham. Loosely knit, a splinter outgrowth later gains world-wide 24-hour a day audience with TBN television network. Impact on modern Christianity enormous.

1903 A.D.
” Airplane invented. Orville and Wilbur Wright.

1908 A.D.
” Comet strikes Russia. Thousands of miles of forest levelled.

1914 A.D.
” Germany leads the planet into world war (the first world war in history).

1917 A.D.
” British (Allenby) captures Jerusalem — Islamic rule in Palestine ends as Turkish Ottoman empire is destroyed.
” Balfour Treaty allows Jews to return to Holy Land ending 1800 year lockout.
” May 13, first of 3 Fatima visions occurs.
o In the first, Lucia forsees that WW I will end and be followed by WW II
o In the second, she is commanded to order everyone to pray for the conversion of Russia
o In the third, kept secret by the Vatican for over 80 years, she forsees the assassination of the Pope.
” Oct. 25, Communists sieze power in Russia, set up secular, anti-christ state.
” USA declares war on Germany

1929 A.D.
” Mussolini secularizes Italy, evicting church from state government.
o Coins phrase, “Separation of church and state”.
o Forms Vatican City as symbol of the separaton.
o This action sets stage for the cancellation of Constantine’s Edict of Milan
o Cancels Theodosus’ decree in the site where it originated – the Roman capitol.
” A great depression sweeps the world.

1930 A.D.
” Secular, totalitarian regimes rise to power throughout Europe and Asia (Spain, Russia, Germany, Italy, Eastern Europe, China, Japan, etc) as Christian authority is stripped from most world governments.

1933 A.D.
” Adolph Hitler comes to power in Germany.
o “Seventh head” of the beast.

1939 A.D.
” Adolph Hitler leads Germany and the world into a second world war.
” The ‘Jewish Holocaust’ begins.
o Targeting House of Israel, Hitler executes over 9 million Jews

1941 A.D.
” Japan makes World War II global by attacking the west at Pearl Harbor and assaulting southeast Asia ¬Dec.7th.
This is the first major eastern attack on western civilization in almost a thousand years.
U.S. declares war on Germany and Japan.

1945 A.D.
” Atom Bomb invented and dropped on two Japanese cities by the United States.
” World War II and the Jewish Holocaust come to an end.

1947 A.D.
” UN General Assembly votes to partition Palestine into two states: one Jewish; the other Palestinian.
” ‘Cold War’ begins ¬ Pits communism against democracy.
” World civilization alerted to ‘doomsday clock’ ¬ with hands near midnight.
Clock.created by atomic energy scientists, not religious zealots.

1948 A.D.
” May 14 – Jewish nation of Israel founded by U.N. mandate.

1949 A.D.
” Jordan occupies the West Bank; Egypt occupies Gaza. Neither grant Palestine autonomy to the lands.

1950 A.D.
” Communists launch war in Korea.

1953 A.D.
” Hydrogen bomb invented. Several exploded in S.Pacific.
” Thousands are stockpiled in underground silo’s as massive arms race with Soviet Union gains speed.
” The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists advances the hands on its ‘doomsday clock’ up to a point only 2 minutes before midnite.

1960 A.D.
” World population reaches 3 billion people.

1963 A.D.
” June 18 – God and prayer outlawed from U.S. school system by Supreme Court.
” Nov. 23 – U.S. President John F. Kennedy assassinated.

“…for the nation and kingdom that refuses to serve you shall perish,.
such nations shall be utterly ruined.” (Is.60:12)

1964 A.D.
” Gulf of Tonkin incident leads U.S. into Vietnam War..
” March 27 – Good Friday. At 5:36 PM, in the ninth hour of daylight, the nations largest ever (9.2) earthquake, followed by fearsome tidal waves strike Alaska. It mirror-images the ninth-hour Jerusalem earthquake that took place on the very first Good Friday just after Jesus died on the cross at Golgotha (Mat. 27:45-54). The Alaska event occurred just 9 months after the United States outlawed God and prayer from all of Americas schools, and 4 months after John Kennedy had been assassinated. The nine months seem to underscore the message that the country had conceived and given birth to grave catastrophe, presaging all that is destined to follow (Jer.44:29-30). Jesus had died on the cross to put God and prayer INTO the school systems (Is.2:2-3; Zech 9:9-10; Is. 60:12)..
” Palestine Liberation Organization formed (with avowed purpose to destroy Israel).

1966 A.D.
” Drug crises sweeps America.
Millions of youth begin using marijuana, heroin, LSD, etc.
” Vietnam War rages on.

1967 A.D.
” Israel’s 6-day war
Israel occupies the Sinai Peninsula; the Gaza Strip; the West Bank and the Golan Heights of Syria ¬June 5
” Vietnam War rages on.

1968 A.D.
” Vietnam War rages on.

1969 A.D.
” July 20 – U.S. astronauts land on the moon.
” Vietnam War rages on.

1972 A.D.
” Vietnam War rages on.
” Watergate break-in climaxes President Nixon paranoia over Vietnam war protests.

1973 A.D.
” U.S. Supreme Court legalizes unrestricted abortions (Roe vs. Wade).
” Vietnam War ends; over 50,000 Americans dead, 153,000 wounded. ¬Jan. 27
” Yom Kippur war. Egypt and Syria launch unsuccessful invasion of Israel ¬ October 6
” Israel occupies (annexes) Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula, Jordan’s West Bank, and Syria’s Golan Heights.

1975 A.D.
” Communists drive America out of Vietnam.

1977 A.D.
” Menachim Begin elected Prime Minister of Israel.
” Begin staunchly favors Ariel Sharon’s plan for building Israeli settlements in Arab lands.
” Israel’s settlement construction in Egypt’s Sinai and Jordan’s West Bank begins slowly.

1978 A.D.
” March, Israel invades south Lebanon, but withdraws in favor of 6000-man UN force.

1979 A.D.
” Israel under Menachem Begin and Egypt under Anwar Sadat sign peace accord brokered by US President Jimmy Carter at Camp David. The treaty ended 30 years of war. Egypt affirms Israel right to exist. ¬March 26
” Iran under Ayatollah Khomeini invades U.S. embassy in Tehran, holds 93 captive ¬Nov. 4

1980 A.D.
” Mt. St. Helens erupts, explodes. ¬May 18
” Israel annexes East Jerusalem, claiming the entire city, and affirming the whole of Jerusalem as its capitol. ¬July

1981 A.D.
” Reagan inaugurated president; Iran releases American embassy hostages ¬Jan. 20.
” AIDS plague begins.
” Pope shot in St. Peter’s Square by professional Turkish gunman. ¬ May 13
o Shooting forewarns of open warfare on Perpetual Sacrifice and its guardian (2 Thes.2:6-7),
§ Opens sealed Book of Daniel.
” Virgin Mary widely reported to have appeared in Medjugorje Yugoslavia.
o Warns a group of children of a “great event” about to happen there.
o Says this will be her last appearance on earth before the end of the world and the return of her Son.
” Israel destroys Iraqi atomic reactor. ¬June 7

1982 A.D.
” Israel returns Sinai Peninsula to Egypt.
” Israel forces Isaeli settlers to abandon Sinai settlements as a part of Egypt/Israel peace treaty.
” June 6, Israel invades Lebanon, marching its forces to Beirut, destroying the city
” September 14, under the authority of Israeli general Ariel Sharon, Lebanese Christians murder hundreds of unarmed Palestinian refugees (See Habakkuk 2:16-17 prophecy)
” Israel & Ariel Sharon draw world condemnation for massacre.
” Fueled by Lebanon invasion, fundamentalist Islamic Shia fanaticism continues to explode across Middle East.

1984 A.D.
” U.S. Congress rejects bill to allow prayer in public schools.

1986 A.D.
” World drug crises continues to mount.
o ‘Crack’ cocaine use, urban crime become rampant.
” Russian Nuclear Reactor explodes in Chernobyl.
” U.S. Space Shuttle Challenger explodes.

1989 A.D.
” Violence erupts over Israeli military occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

1990 A.D.
” Hubble Space Telescope launched ¬ searching for cosmic signs in the heavens.

1991 A.D.
” First Gulf War breaks out near the Euphrates, contemporizing the visions of Daniel.
” Flown in from across the western world, allied troops number 700,000 (425,000 American).
” Scud missiles hit Israel.
” Saddam Hussein of Iraq defeated, but allowed by President Bush to remain in power.
” This war marks the first war of the ram in Daniel’s prophetic sequence (Dn.8:3-8).
” Slovenia secedes from Yugoslavia after bitter fighting.

1992 A.D.
” Democracy sweeps to victory over communism. Soviet Union dissolved.
” Berlin wall comes down as E. Europe ends Cold War.
” Leningrad renamed St.Petersburg
” June 23, The Labor Party of Yitzhak Rabin elected to power in Israel.
” Bosnia-Herzogovina vote to secede from Yugoslavia blocked.
o Ferocious Serbian war begins; Sarajevo destroyed in seige.

1993 A.D.
” September 13, historic peace agreement between Israel and PLO. The PLO recognized Israel’s right to exist and Israel recognized the PLO as the Palestinian’s representative; the two sides then signed an agreement for limited Palestinian self-rule in the West Bank and in Gaza.

1994 A.D.
” U.S. Supreme Court outlaws the Ten Commandments from courthouse display.
” In the most startling ‘sign from the heavens’ during this century, cometary fragments the size of mountains bombard Jupiter in an ominous cosmic display.
” The 2000th Anniversary of the birth of Jesus. (Possibly 1996 A.D.)
” A Christian spiritual renewal spreads across U.S.A.; changes congressional power balance.
” President Clinton brokers peace declaration between Israel and Jordan ¬July 25
Israel and Jordan sign a declaration in Washington D.C. ending their 46-year state of war.
A formal peace treaty signed ¬ Oct. 26.
” Israeli and Arab extremists repeatedly challenge the peace accord.

1995 A.D.
” NATO warplanes bomb Bosnia Serbs in attempt to quiet Balkan unrest.
” U.S. Supreme Court bans school prayer.
o In other decisions, court remains hostile to religious expressions in civic affairs.
” In near apocalyptic wording, a U.N. Science Council Report warns of catastrophic effects across the world during the next hundred years as global warming rapidly accelerates.
” Scientists say most of the world’s coastal cities will be inundated by advancing tides caused by polar ice cap melting during this period.
” Holes in the ozone layer continue to widen as sun-induced skin cancer reaches near-epidemic proportions worldwide.
” Yitzhak Rabin assassinated. On November 4, while conducting a peace rally in Tel Aviv,
o Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated by an Orthodox Israeli bent on protecting Israel’s settlements in Arab land.
o Peaceful solution to the Arab-Israeli hostilities destroyed by the killing.

1996 A.D.
” According to Bible scholars, a second possible date for the 2000th anniversary of the birth of Jesus Christ.
” The President of Russia leads Easter mass in resurrected Moscow church. ¬ 4/14/96
o This confirms second Fatima prophecy, the conversion of Russia.
” Rabin’s successor, Shimon Perez loses support following a renewal of Islamic militant suicide attacks on Israel. In retaliation, Israel attacks militant bases in southern Lebanon.
” U.S. Supreme court rules in favor of sweeping gay rights. 5/20/96
” Pushing security issues, Benjamin Netanyahu elected prime minister of Israel. 5/29/96.
” Hubble Space Telescope discovers over 50 billion new galaxies.
” US President Clinton hosts new peace talks between Arafat & Netanyahu after Israel sparks intense Muslim demonstrations by opening a tunnel underneath their sacred holy place, the ‘Dome of the Rock’ in Jerusalem. 10/1/96.
” U.S. Supreme court re-affirms decision to ban school prayer. 11/4/96

1997 A.D.
” April – Comet Hale-Bop appears in dazzling celestial display.
” Anti-God warfare against Christians grows (especially in public schools).
” U.S. Supreme Court Outlaws Religious Freedom Act, killing Federal measure Congress had designed to expand and protect the freedom of religion in America. 6/25/97
” U.S. Supreme Court outlaws Internet Decency Act. 6/26/97.

1998 A.D.
” President Clinton argues against School Prayer Amendment. 5/30/98.
” Right to Prayer Amendment defeated in U.S. House of Representatives. 6/5/98.
” Los Angeles court rules against man who purchased rental space on school billboard, saying he may not post the Ten Commandments there.
” Scores of churches burned down across the United States.
” Netanyahu and Arafat sign peace accord brokered by US President Clinton. 10/23/98
o Israel to recognize the PLO and give Palestine several areas of land for an independent state in the West Bank in return for promise of end of violence. This treaty not ratified until Sept. 1999.
” Explicit sex talk and savage violence rampant on family TV shows and in movies.
” The U.S. House of Representatives votes to impeach the President of the United States for immoral behavior in office. 12/20/98
” Belarus and Russia agree to unite their countries into a single state. 12/25/98
” Pacific Ocean’s greatest ‘El Nino’ current wreaks havoc on earth, producing mammoth fires, famine and drought in many places; huge floods in others.
” U.S. spacecraft lands on Mars.

1999 A.D.
” World population tops 6 billion people.
” Coming “millenium” is dreaded.
” ‘End of the world’ prophecies flourish in magazines, books and on the internet.
” Hate crimes grow — mass shootings occur in schools, church and synagouge.
” Great earthquakes in Turkey and Taiwan leave thousands dead.
” Wars and rumors of war continue unabated; include Kosovo, Indonesia, Somalia, Cechnya and Iraq.
” Sept. – West Bank treaty between Palestine and Israel ratified.
” Sept. 10 – The year 5760 in the Jewish calendar begins.
(240 years remain until the year 6000 — i.e., until the ‘seventh day’ of Hebrew religious history, begins).
” 3/4 million Muslim Kosovo Albanian refugees flee for lives in Yugoslavian bloodbath.
o Balkans in flames. 72-day NATO war insues
o 60,000 NATO troops; 20,000 Americans sent to area.

2000 A.D.
” The 2000th year in the Christian calendar.
” Netanyahu loses election by a landslide to Ehud Barak. Hard liners take power in Israel. 5/17/00.
” Vatican reveals to the world the third prophecy of Fatima (assassination of the Pope). 5/13/00
” September – Resurgence of Intifada. Bloody era in Israeli-Palestinian fighting begins.
” Ariel Sharon sees Israeli settlements in occupied Arab territory as a strategic imperative insuring Israeli security. Construction pace of Israeli settlements in the Arab lands of the West Bank increases dramatically.

2001 A.D.
” The Third Millenium Officially begins – The third “day” of Christ in prophecy dawns on earth ¬Jan. 1.
” Arab-Israel peace process disintegrates.
” Refusing to change its mind, the U.S. Supreme court again rules (6-3) that display of the Ten Commandments on public buildings or land is illegal; forcing removal throughout the country. 5/29/01
” Sept. 11 – Trade Center Disaster ¬9/11/01
o The twin towers of the World Trade Center are destroyed in New York by terrorists hijacking passenger planes. Other planes head for Washington D.C. One crashes in a field and the other strikes the Pentagon.
” President Bush compares 9/11 to ‘Pearl Harbor’ ¬ the first battle in a western war against eastern terrorism.
” Bible Prophecy
o The fall of the World Towers in the city of the United Nation headquarters 9 months after the beginning of the “third day” of Christ, fulfills major Bible prophecies (see: “The Towers of Babylon”).
” USA “Declares war” on Muslim terrorists; invades Afghanistan. 9/12/02.
” Daniel’s “Chapter 8:5-8″ prophecy continues to unfold.
” Major Business recession begins.

2002 A.D.
” President Bush counters secular rhetoric with strong vocal Christian support.
” Israel invades Palestinian towns; declares war on terrorism. 3/29/02.
” Palestinian terrorists in Bethlehem turn Church of Nativity (Christ’s birthplace) into armed fort.
o shrine is riddled with bullets and artillary shells during protracted seige by Israeli troops.
o Fires are set in the sanctuary. 3/30/02
” U.S. Supreme court rules virtual images of child pornography legal. 4/16
” California judges rule U.S. ‘Pledge of Allegiance’ unconstitutional because it mentions God. 6/2/02.
o President Bush and U.S. Senate dissagree, vote 99 to 0 to keep pledge intact
” Congress OK’s American office of Domestic Defense.
” Business community rocked with major scandals and corporate fraud.
” Bush enraged ¬ wants war with Iraq & Saddam Hussein.
” U.N. votes to send inspectors back to Iraq to search for illegal weapons of mass distruction.
” U.N. tries to cool off U.S. intent to invade Iraq.
” Roman Catholic sex charges shroud 1-billion member church in dark clouds of scandal.
” America’s plans to invade Iraq continue
” President Bush authorizes massive U.S. troop buildup in Middle East.
” North Korea announces intent to reopen atomic reactors. (December)
” Four U.S. naval carrier groups (the ships of Kittim) ordered to assemble in Middle East.
” Palestinian state in West Bank nears collapse as bombings and fighting between Palestinians and Israeli army units continue unabated since September 2000.

2003 A.D.
” North Korea pushes toward nuclear brinkmanship; threatens to declare war on USA. ¬1/10/03.
” US Troops ordered to Middle East said to be rising to 150,000. ¬1/12/03.
” Israeli hardliner, Ariel Sharon, reelected Israeli Prime Minister. ¬1/28/03.
” U.S. Space shuttle Columbia Disintegrates on re-entry, 7 astronauts perish. ¬2/1/03.
” Major NATO & UN rift threatens to fracture the western world alliance. ¬2/13/03.
” (See Daniel’s prophecy ¬Dan. 8:8 & Dan. 11:3-4)
” U.S. ‘Pledge of Allegiance’ banned for its use of the name “God”. ¬2/28/03.
” Ruling by the Full U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upholds previous court edict against God’s name.
” U.N. refuses to back U.S. war against Iraq. ¬3/17/03..
” U.S. invades Iraq
o SECOND GULF WAR begins ¬3/19/03
o Iraq invaded at 4 A.M. Baghdad time..
” Baghdad statue falls, toppling the second horn of the ram. ¬4/9/03
” Baghdad, symbol of ancient Babylon sacked by rampaging rioters. Fires burn across Iraq. ¬4/14/03
o Babylon’s Museum of Antiquities plundered and left in ruins. National library in ashes. Roving guerrilla bands roam the city at night. Gun battles continue to rage.
” Easter services conducted in the courtyard of Saddam Hussein’s palace. ¬4/20/03
o This completes Jeremiah’s prophecy that the king of Sheshak (Jer.25:14-30) will be the last to drink the cup of the Lord as it completes its transit around the world. The Day of Atonement nears its end.
” President Bush declares end to combat, but refuses to call war in Iraq over.
Occupation begins. Combat continues. ¬5/1/03
” Supreme Court strikes down the country’s last remaining sodomy laws. ¬6/26/03
o Ruling legalizes and places gay people in the mainstream of U.S. society for the first time.
” U.S. Combat death toll reaches 149 in Gulf War II, surpassing Gulf War I totals ¬7/18/03
” Sign of war appears in the sky ¬ 8/27/03:
o The planet Mars, named for the pagan god of war makes it’s closest approach to earth in 60,000 years, creating a bright night-time spectacle in the heavens.
In biblical times, this would have been seen as a certain sign of war (see Luke 21:25).
” Israel constructs security fence to lock out Palestinians and protect settlements in West Bank. (Sept/October)
” More crosses are taken down across the United States. Italy orders crucifix removed from school.
” Episcopal church consecrates first openly gay bishop, a divorcee. ¬11/2/03
” Angry sun. The largest solar explosion ever witnessed by man occurs. ¬11/4/03.
o Solar blast is one in a series of explosions that have rocked the sun during 2003.
o Solar blast occurs at what is normally the quietest time in the 11-year solar cycle.
” Massachusetts Supreme Court paves way for gay marriage with landmark Sodomy law decision. ¬11/18/03
” U.S. combat deaths in Iraq total 472, far surpassing Gulf War I totals. ¬12/31/03
” Israel’s wall through Palestine speeds toward completion. ¬12/31/03

2004 A.D.
” San Francisco Mayor ok’s gay marriage in California in defiance of state law.
o Thousands married. ¬Feb. 12
” Supreme Court bans use of public funds for ministerial education. ¬Feb. 27
” U.S. lands 2 mobile laboratories on Mars.
” Major Good Friday Crucifixion movie “The Passion” released amid swirling controversy.
o Anti-christ protests rampant across the nation.
” Second Gulf War continues at Euphrates, enters 2nd year – 571 American’s killed. ¬March 19
” Arab founder of Hamas, Sheik Ahmed Yassin, assassinated by Israel in Gaza. ¬March 21
” Gulf War – Insurgency begins. Bloody Iraq Counterattack & Kidnappings. ¬April 2004
” Sharon/USA sign Gaza pact ¬ Israel’s “illegal” West Bank settlements ok’d by U.S.A. ¬April 14
” U.S. Army accused of committing enormous atrocities in Saddam Hussein’s torture prison. ¬May 2
” Gay marriages become legal in Massachusetts ¬May 17
” Supreme Court refuses to rule on whether the word ‘God’ should be removed from the ‘Pledge of Allegiance’.
o Citing technicality, Court punts issue by voiding the lawsuit. ¬June 14
” New Iraqi government established. War continues ¬June 28
” ACLU orders obscure cross honoring California missions removed from LA County Seal ¬June
” Supreme Court strikes down law that would have prohibited child-pornography. ¬June 29
” World Court at Hague rules Israel’s Wall illegal. ¬July 9
” Muslim extremists attack Russia ¬ down 2 airliners, bomb Moscow, blow up hundreds of schoolchildren.
” Second Gulf War continues, 1000 Americans dead ¬Sept. 6
” U.S. Congress rejects amendment to “support God”. ¬Sept. 28
” A return to God and morality is the surprise major issue in America’s 2004 national election. ¬Nov. 2
o George W. Bush re-elected to second term
” Yassar Arafat, Palestine’s leader, dies in French hospital ¬Nov.11
” Tsunamis roll across Indian Ocean killing more than 300,000 in 11 nations from Indonesia to Africa
o Millions left injured or homeless; many starving and without water.
o “Black Sunday” ¬ Day after Christmas Tidal Wave called worst in recorded history ¬Dec. 26
” Second Gulf War continues. 1,324 Americans dead.¬Dec.31

2005 A.D.
” Mahmoud Abbas chosen as president of the Palestinian Authority ¬Jan.9
” U.S. cancels search for W.M.D. in Iraq ¬Jan.12
” The “Bush Doctrine” declared ¬ Democracy to rule the earth (by force if necessary) ¬Jan.20
” Iraq election succeeds dramatically. Voter turnout exceeds 60% nationally. ¬Jan.30
” Palestine’s Abbas & Israel’s Sharon meet in Egypt & pledge end to conflict between them ¬Feb.8
o Landmark summit may end Intifada & renew 1993 Oslo hopes.
” Sister Lucia of Fatima dies (foresaw Papal assassination/attempt) ¬Feb.13
” Israel Cabinet approves eviction of 8500 Jewish settlers from 21 sites mostly in Gaza Strip ¬Feb.21
” Syria begins moving its troops out of Lebanon under pressure ¬ Mar. 8
” President Bush euphoric as democracy dominoes continue to fall in place.
” California Judge OK’s Gay Marriage. ¬Mar.15.
” Third year of 2nd Euphrates War begins. Over 1500 American soldiers dead. – Mar.19.

2019 A.D.
” The 70th anniversary of the rebuilding of Israel

2030 A.D.
” The 2000th anniversary of the Crucifixion of Jesus. (Possibly 2033 A.D.)
” The 2000th anniversary of the first Pentecost. (Possibly 2033 A.D.)

2070 A.D.
” The 2000th anniversary of the destruction of Herod’s Temple.
” The 2000th anniversary of the Jewish dispersion to Rome (the Diaspora).

2240 A.D.
” In October, the dawn of the 7th Millenium in the Jewish calendar arrives — the Jewish year 6001.
o (i.e, Creation’s 7th day begins).
o According to scripture, the seventh day is a day of rest. As such its arrival officially ends the 6000-year “toiling of the nations”. The importance of this date was made irrelevant by the prediction of Jesus that the days of the end will become so wicked that God will have to cut them short.

On this day...

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