
This website’s name is taken from Romans 3:4, for we are committed to the Word of God absolutely and unconditionally. Our motto is as follows:

God said it; that settles it!

We believe . . . the fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom and knowledge, and without which there is no truth or understanding.
We believe . . . the Holy Scriptures are perfect and the final authority for all matters of both life and eternity.
We believe . . . all the feelings, opinions, and traditions of men are inherently worthless and highly dangerous.
We believe . . . humanistic education, the information explosion, and the rejection of God have almost eliminated truth from the earth.
We believe . . . only men born again by the Spirit of God and studying His Word according to His will can see the truth.
We believe . . . this Word is to be studied diligently and according to its own internal rules of interpretation.
We believe . . . the certain truth of God should be declared boldly and plainly on all matters without compromise or apology.
We believe . . . the Internet is a witty invention from God for publishing His absolute and final authority through the whole earth.

We hope you find in the following web pages a bold and plain declaration of the Word of God to defeat the ignorance and ungodliness of the present generation of Christianity.

We humbly submit ourselves and this website as your servants for the glory of God and the salvation of your souls in these perilous times.

This is the ministry portion of the website. Here you will find plenty of articles for reading. Jesus Christ is the author and perfector of my faith. I add to this website daily as part of my daily devotions.

Please Visit >>> www.LetGodBeTrue.ca

On this day...

  1. September 5, 2011

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