Sovereign Obligation


Every notable advance in the saving work of God among men will, if examined, be found to have two factors present: several converging lines of providential circumstances and a person.

Let My People Go: The Life of Robert A. Jaffray, 50.

Evangelism: Sovereign Obligation

I am a debtor both to Greeks and to barbarians, both to wise and to unwise. So, as much as is in me, I am ready to preach the gospel to you who are in Rome also.

Romans 1:14,15

That is why I say that the resurrection of Jesus Christ is something more than making us the happiest people in the Easter parade. Are we to listen to a cantata, join in singing “Up from the Grave He Arose,” smell the lilies and go home and forget it? No, certainly not!

The resurrection of Jesus Christ lays hold on us with all the authority of sovereign obligation. It says that the Christian church is to go and make disciples–to go and make disciples of all nations. The moral obligation of the resurrection of Christ is the missionary obligation–the responsibility and privilege of personally carrying the message, of interceding for those who go, of being involved financially in the cause of world evangelization. Tragedy in the Church: The Missing Gifts, 90.

“Stimulate me today, Lord, with that sense of sovereign obligation. Then lead me to the right person with whom I could share Your grace. Amen.”

On this day...

  1. October 14, 2010

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