Matthew 22:42

“What think ye of Christ?” 
              — Matthew 22:42

The great test of your soul’s health is, What think you of Christ? Is
he to you “fairer than the children of men”-“the chief among ten
thousand”-the “altogether lovely- Wherever Christ is thus esteemed,
all the faculties of the spiritual man exercise themselves with energy.
I will judge of your piety by this barometer: does Christ stand high or
low with you? If you have thought little of Christ, if you have been
content to live without his presence, if you have cared little for his
honour, if you have been neglectful of his laws, then I know that your
soul is sick-God grant that it may not be sick unto death! But if the
first thought of your spirit has been, how can I honour Jesus? If the
daily desire of your soul has been, “O that I knew where I might find
him!” I tell you that you may have a thousand infirmities, and even
scarcely know whether you are a child of God at all, and yet I am
persuaded, beyond a doubt, that you are safe, since Jesus is great in
your esteem. I care not for thy rags, what thinkest thou of his royal
apparel? I care not for thy wounds, though they bleed in torrents, what
thinkest thou of his wounds? are they like glittering rubies in thine
esteem? I think none the less of thee, though thou liest like Lazarus
on the dunghill, and the dogs do lick thee-I judge thee not by thy
poverty: what thinkest thou of the King in his beauty? Has he a
glorious high throne in thy heart? Wouldest thou set him higher if thou
couldest? Wouldest thou be willing to die if thou couldest but add
another trumpet to the strain which proclaims his praise? Ah! then it
is well with thee. Whatever thou mayest think of thyself, if Christ be
great to thee, thou shalt be with him ere long.

“Though all the world my choice deride,
Yet Jesus shall my portion be;
For I am pleased with none beside,
The fairest of the fair is he”

On this day…


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