Home Equity

Home equity is another resource that can be a valuable tool in personal financial planning for some of the following reasons:

1. Equity build up in one’s home is tax free and can be taken out tax free. A person can take equity out of their home and use this equity to pay down high interest debt.

2. Equity borrowed out of a home can eliminate or substantially reduce unconstructive debt thus freeing up cash flow.

3. Equity borrowed may also be used for investment purposes to increase one’s financial portfolio while at the same time allowing for interest deductibility in one’s tax return.

4. Equity borrowed could also be used to purchase tax sheltered products thus saving on taxes.

5. Equity borrowed could also be used for non financial reasons like: buying a cottage, education, necessities or even material purchases.

Home Equity loans are wonderful tools that can assist you in paying down your debt and increasing your investments. Remember, the interest on the money you borrow for investments can be claimed at the end of the year.

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