Easter Week
Pray For: Boldness in your witness and for the salvation of friends/co-workers/family members of yours who do not know Christ.
Other Stuff:
. You need to invite people to the service who need Christ.
. Be bold, be gracious and invite. Ideally each of us are sharing the gospel with those God brings into our life but if you are struggling
with this at least you can invite them to church and Easter is a great time as people are very open to attending an Easter service if invited.
. We want to see more people come to know him. More people walking in newness of life.
. Watch our recent baptism video. We gathered together and celebrated the miracle of Salvation – http://www.vimeo.com/20087869
. And we would suggest you rent the movie called, The Passion of the Christ* and view it sometime this week.
*Please note regarding the movie:
1. This movie has very graphic scenes regarding Christ’s beating and crucifixion so will not be appropriate for children and perhaps some adults
2. The directors of this movie have taken some liberties that are not consistent with Scripture such as; the elevation of Jesus physical suffering over the spiritual punishment as God’s wrath was poured out on Him on the cross, the idea that the cross was Satan’s attack on Jesus rather than the predetermined plan of God, etc. Please keep Scripture in mind as you view this movie as we do not endorse all elements of the movie.
Reading: Matthew 28
Pray For: That God would kindle your heart of worship for Him as the natural and expected response to seeing Jesus is worship. Pray for the worship team tonight as they have their final practice for Sunday and for all the final preparations going on this week for our Easter service.
Other Stuff:
The Easter Story
MUSIC – Songs for Easter Sunday Worship
Usually you don’t know what we are signing prior to the Sunday service but we want to remind you that in worship you are the choir and our Lord and Saviour is the audience. We invite you to consider preparing for Sunday by listening and learning each of the songs.
· Happy Day
· Lift Up The Name
· Mighty To Save
· Beauty of The Cross
· Hallelujah What A Saviour
**Note this video is a variation to the version we use,
· Power of The Cross (See Below)
· Christ Is Risen
· Stand In Awe
Additional information:
Story Behind: The Power of The Cross
Free Download of “Power of The Cross”
Reading: John 18:28-40, Revelation 1:9-20, 19:11-21
Pray For: Your own submission and reverence of Jesus Christ as King of kings and Lord of Lords. That God would increase your awareness of who He is and who you are and the result would be a growing humility and sold-out submission and service to your King. Pray also that He would draw more into His kingdom this Easter season.
Other Stuff:
That’s my king video – prayerfully watch this video, if this doesn’t stir your soul you are either dead spiritually or asleep physically :o)
Reading: John 18:28-40, Revelation 1:9-20, 19:11-21
Pray For: Your own submission and reverence of Jesus Christ as King of kings and Lord of Lords. That God would increase your awareness of who He is and who you are and the result would be a growing humility and sold-out submission and service to your King. Pray also that He would draw more into His kingdom this Easter season.
Other Stuff:
· A simple message (family friendly video) and helpful way to start conversation with your children about the true Easter Story – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Plfp3Dlk1g
· Some discussion points raised by this video you could talk about with your family are:
o What is sin? What are your sins? Why are sins such a big issue with God?
o Did Jesus ever sin? So why was He punished on the cross?
o Is the story of Jesus and the cross true – did it really happen, or is it a myth like the Easter bunny?
o What happened 3 days after Jesus died and why does it matter so much?
o Where is Jesus now?
o What should your response be to the truth of the cross and Jesus death and resurrection?
Reading: Matthew 27:32-56, Mark 15:21-41, Luke 23:26-49, John 19:17-30
Pray For: That God would open your eyes to see how your sin put Jesus through that beating, humiliation, and crucifixion. We tend to see our selves as pretty good and make light of our own sin. We need to be broken regularly, smitten by the cross, realizing how our rebellion, our idolatry, our sin is such an affront and insult to our Holy Creator.
Other Stuff:
Today is what is called ‘Good Friday’ – why is it good? Think about what this day remembers and how that truth has intersected and impacted your life. And think about how the disciples felt seeing the events of that day played out? We don’t want to leave you without hope in light of Friday’s crucifixion so watch this video called, ‘Sundays Coming’
– http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZRiIpsbJW8o
Reading: Matthew 27:57-28:15, Mark 15:42-13, Luke 23:50-53, John 20
Pray For: We serve a risen King – not an idea, a philosophy, an idol or a statue. Pray that the living Lord would increasingly manifest Himself in your life and that your abiding in Christ would grow more powerful and intimate. Pray that Jesus Christ would be boldly proclaimed and powerfully present in our church, all our ministries and our message to our city, country and world – all for His glory! And finally, pray that tomorrow’s service would be an amazing, Holy Spirit empowered, celebration of the truth – HE IS RISEN!
Other Stuff:
We have already recommended you learn a song, ‘Christ is Risen’ (back on Tuesday) but we wanted to encourage you to listen to it, and worship with it several times today as it has a prominent place in our celebration tomorrow. So please watch and worship with this video
– http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-EzVteRq1k
On this day…
- Numbers 10 – 2024
- Numbers 9 – 2024
- April 24, 2014 – 2014
- Hebrews 13:5 – 2009
- x – 2008
- Growing Saints Takes Time – 2007
- God’s Merciful Warnings – 2007
- Pride’s Potency – 2007
- Opposition To Self Pride – 2007
- Contending For Supremacy – 2007
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