I personally do not want to face Jesus having forfeited a harvest because of religious tradition

Scripture: Revelation 19:15

Revelation 19:15 says, “Now out of His mouth goes a sharp sword, that with it He should strike the nations. And He Himself will rule them with a rod of iron. He Himself treads the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.”

It is interesting to note that Jesus in Revelation is the returning Judge of all the earth and launches from His mouth a sharp sword for judicial purposes. He uses it to strike the nations and He uses it to rule with a rod of iron. Ruling with a rod of iron is the issue of, how we approach the enemies of the harvest? Current Christian thinking is that we turn the other cheek and we pray for them. Let us pray for our senators. Let us pray for our president. Let us pray salvation and blessings. When we have only developed one half of who we are in Christ and that side is passive, it robs us of our judicial authority to move our enemy out of the way to gain a harvest. In Acts 13 Paul faces an obstacle to his appointed harvest. He does not turn the other cheek to the false prophet. He reaches for the judicial anointing and he drops it. But if we do not have that understanding, and we do not, we will not ask God to intervene. If we will not ask God to remove the enemy of our harvest, then we enable evil. Since it is our responsibility, we will give an account for enabling evil and forfeiting our harvest. When we allow unsanctified mercy to capture us the fruit is all our prayers become priestly with no kingly value. I personally do not want to face Jesus having forfeited a harvest because of religious tradition.

On this day…


2 responses to “I personally do not want to face Jesus having forfeited a harvest because of religious tradition”

  1. Unshakeable Servant Avatar
    Unshakeable Servant

    June 18, 2011

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