1. The Absolute Supremacy of Holy Scripture
Show us anything, plainly written, in that Book, we will receive it, believe it, and submit to it. Show us anything contrary to that Book, and however sophisticated, plausible, beautiful and apparently desirable, we will not have it at any price.
2. The Doctrine of Human Sinfulness and Corruption
Man is radically diseased. I believe that ignorance of the extent of the Fall, and of the whole doctrine of original sin, is one grand reason why many can neither understand, appreciate, nor receive Evangelical Religion.
3. The Work and Office of our Lord Jesus Christ
The eternal Son of God is our Representative and Substitute. We maintain that people ought to be continually warned not to make a Christ of the Church. We hold that nothing whatever is needed between the soul of man the sinner, and Christ the Savior, but simple child-like faith.
4. The Inward Work of the Holy Spirit
We maintain that the things which need most to be pressed on men’s attention are those mighty works of the Holy Spirit–inward repentance, faith, hope, hatred of sin, and love to God’s law. We say that to tell men to take comfort in their baptism or church membership when these all-important graces are unknown, is not merely a mistake, but positive cruelty.
5. The Outward and Visible Work of the Holy Spirit in the Life of Man
We maintain that to tell a man he is “born of God” or regenerated, while living in carelessness or sin, is a dangerous delusion. It is the position we assign to these five points which is one of the grand characteristics of Evangelical theology. We say boldly that they are first, foremost, chief and principal things in Christianity.
~ J.C. Ryle
Tract: Evangelical Religion
On this day…
- Psalm 108 – 2024
- Psalm 109 – 2024
- Psalm 17 – 2023
- Psalm 16 – 2023
- Guidelines for Leading Leadership in Major Decisions – 2011
- The Marks of a Spiritual Leader – 2011
- For Our People and for the Cities of God – 2011
- Christian Elders in the New Testament – 2011
- Westminster Larger Catechism – 2009
- Luther’s Small Catechism – 2009
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