7 Critical Questions For Your Ministry to Men

Elevation: 7 Critical Questions For Your Ministry to Men

Does your ministry to men have a clear purpose and goal?
A ministry to men must have long-term goals that will equip people and the church – not be based merely on the enthusiasm gained from attending a men?s conference or event – these events are simply a part of achieving the long term goals.

What is the pastor?s role in your men?s ministry? What should it be?
It is important that the pastor help clarify, endorse, and even personally benefit from the ministry, but that he not be held responsible for sustaining it.
Share your vision for men’s ministry with the pastor. Is your vision and his vision compatible? For example, you meet with your pastor and share with him how you are planning a missions trip to Central America. But the pastor is considering a building campaign for the church which involves time and financial resources. So, you find the pastor rather cool to your plans and don’t understand why. But if you get the pastor to share his vision, you fit the men’s ministry to his vision by suggesting your group could organize and provide the labour force to keep the project cost-effective. It would be a great opportunity to build relationships while men work together at the church. He senses you are willing to support him, and subsequently, he will be more receptive to support you.
As you begin to serve him, ask how he sees himself being part of your vision for ministry to men.

Who is providing leadership?
A core group consisting of 3-10 men should be formed to provide prayer and leadership support. These men need to meet regularly and independently providing vision and leadership.

What are the variety of ways you are keeping men interested and equipped?
An effective men?s ministry will have a variety of opportunities which meet a man?s need for fellowship, growth, accountability, and service to the church.

What methods are you using to create visibility or promote your ministry?
The entire congregation must be made aware of the ministry?s presence, purpose, and its impact on an ongoing basis.

Do you have support systems for men in crisis?
An effective men?s ministry creatively supports men who are relationally, and emotionally wounded by providing care that may or may not be along traditional lines (i.e. support groups, professional referral systems, etc.)

Does your men?s ministry relate to younger men in the church?
A men?s ministry, for the future of our young men, must build in a generational linkage where mentoring, modeling, instruction, and discipling is taking place.

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